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Blogging Tips on How to Create a Content Plan

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Thursday, February 25th, 2016 With No Comments »

It is true that writers write only, when they feel inspired, but this cannot help bloggers, who are serious to make money from their high value blog. To start a blog there is need to have a content creation plan, but consider the following aspects given below.

Create a Content Plan

Tips to create a content plan

Recognize your target audience – It is essential to know the in and out of your audience to write awesome content. Moreover, even recognize their fears, worries, interest and love related to your business. Speaking in their language about the products or services can make your content more appealing.

Be familiar with your niche history – Your industry has a past and present. Know its history and your small role, which will help you to create more enhanced content.

Know what news & events affect your niche – You must be aware of the ongoing and upcoming events related to your industry. This news helps to create excellent content, but make sure to write blogs which are relevant to things your guests care about.

Consider email, newsletter and social media – Blogging content needs promotion. Just writing valuable content is not happening, but instead it is vital to understand how it syncs with email, newsletter and social media.

Necessary main pages for your blog – Potential pages to select from are

  • About
  • Contact
  • Advertising information
  • Guest posting information
  • Services or products
  • Media
  • Tools & resources
  • Archived posts
  • Start here
  • Subscribe
  • Terms of service
  • Privacy policy
  • Disclosure

These pages are vital that attracts search engine traffic along with audience to read your valuable blog post. Therefore, decide what pages to create in advance, so as to plan content for every web page.

Keep categories to minimal – Categories are vital on a blog, but stick with nine to fifteen categories. Narrow down of categories and subject matter allows you to stay focused on the blog post and help readers to locate you easily.

Select a realistic content schedule – To understand how often to post content is also important, so as to create an editorial calendar based on the products or services you desire to promote. Remember daily posts need a little more effort than weekly posts. Posting weekly allows you time to stay focused and attain better results.

Learn keywords defining your niche – Getting to know about the minor and major keywords help you to determine categories and subject matters to blog about.

Structure – Content structure is crucial. For short post include images on the left and break the post in brief paragraphs of maximum 5 lines/para. In case of lengthy article, add sub-headings for making it readable, because too dense post structure drives readers away.

Word count – For SEO, minimum requirement is 300 words, but today 1000+ is the norm. Remember, too short post means you don’t have sufficient depth of knowledge and too heavy makes it unable for readers to digest.

Leave the content for a day – Write the content and leave it overnight. Come back the next day with fresh eyes. You will certainly tweak things or add extra creation. In addition, detect grammatical and spelling mistakes. Have it proof read from someone else.

Hope these tips can help bloggers to create content plan for successful blogging.

Author’s Bio:

Simon Hopes is an expert blogger, and they provide expert guidance to their clients to start a blog, and also for creating content that will get maximum exposure online. Please feel free to visit their website for more information.

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