Library Technology - Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Giveaway of Tenorshare iPhone Care Pro

Posted In iPhone, Freebies - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 With 4 Comments

For iPhone users, camera have become increasingly indispensable, especially the megapixel is getting better with development. However here comes the issue. The photos it takes are quite large in file size. To keep your precious pictures, now you need to transfer photos stream on iPhone to Mac. iPhoto may come to your mind first when you are going to copy photos from iPhone to Mac. What if there is something wrong with it, your iPhone can’t be recognized or photos can’t be read. Keep on reading to learn how to import pictures from iPhone to Mac without iPhoto or iTunes. 

Tenorshare iPhone Care Pro

Picture transfer with no iPhoto/iTunes/iCloud also can be easy as long as you adopt right helper. Unlike other iPhone photos transfer tools, Tenorshare iPhone Care Pro totally leaves iPhoto, iTunes and iCloud alone, which makes possible transfer photo stream on iPhone to Mac without any restrictions. In addition, not only can iPhone Care Pro import photos from iPhone to Mac and vice versa, but also it enables you to get rid of all junk files on your iPhone, fix various stuck issues and repair corrupted system with one click to keep your device at peak performance. Before your photos transfer to Mac, don’t forget to click download button below to download and install the program on your computer.

Now, Tenorshare has cooperated with TechTipLib.Com to giveaway 05 free license codes to TechTiplib’s readers. Those who comment the content will get a free license code. All winners will be selected arbitrarily.

How to get FREE a license key?

Comment this article and tell us why you need this tool?


  • No. of license keys: 05
  • Comment with your real email!
  • This Giveaway will end on 2016/06/21
  • Winners will be selected by

WINNERS: loveEaseUS, David Medlin, hamidreza.

About - Hey, this blog belongs to me! I am the founder of TechTipLib and managing editor right now. And I love to hear what do you think about this article, leave comment below! Thank you so much...

Displaying 4 Comments
Have Your Say

  1. al bateman says:

    cannot afford to buy this so i am alwaya on the lookout for great new software

  2. hamidreza says:

    thanks fot this giveaway, I like this software because it can improve my phone performance

  3. David Medlin says:

    I need this tool, so I can maintain my wife and I’s iDevices (iPhones & iPad). I am disabled, so I cannot afford to buy this, myself. my e-mail address is

  4. loveEaseUS says:

    I like Tenorshare iPhone Care Pro