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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Infographic: The Future of Cooking

Posted In Infographics - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, June 28th, 2016 With No Comments »

In this digital age, all fundamentals of modern life have been affected, even cooking! With cutting edge technologies changing everything from kitchen appliances right down to food production, the way in which we prepare, cook and eat our food is continuously transforming. From our favorite restaurants to our kitchens, the digital revolution is altering our food in every way. However, without excellent design, these technological advances will never become reality.

In order to bring this technology into the homes and hands of everyday people, these modern appliances must be personalized into ‘’people-centered’’ services and products. Although autonomous cooking appliances have been created in the past, consumers now have a need for products and services that free up their time so they don’t have to spend time in the ‘’boring areas’’ of cooking.

The people from Noel Dempsey have made this infographic that lists some of the major and most influential inventions that have been in past number of years or in some cases, inventions that will affect the future of cooking. The kitchen of the future may not be run by robots, but many of the inventions listed below will allow consumers to take their cooking to an even more personalized level.

Although many areas of our lives have changed, we have been using the same stoves and refrigerators for decades. However, taking the below inventions into consideration, it appears our cooking lives are about to change. The infographic includes Robochef, a robotic kitchen that can prepare your dinner by the time you are home.

By simply tapping on your screen, you can choose your ideal evening meal and set the timer so that your dinner is cooked to perfection as soon as you arrive in the door. It will feature an extended range of meals that owners can add to as well as including a huge variety of functions.

Although Robochef may seem like the perfect kitchen – be warned. Scheduled for release in 2018, it is an expensive investment. The commercial version will be available for purchase at $75,498. For more cooking inventions, let’s take a look at this infographic!

Which invention is your favorite? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below!

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