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(Infographic) Enterprise storage option: on-premise and Cloud

Posted In Infographics - By Techtiplib on Friday, August 19th, 2016 With No Comments »

With cloud storage use becoming increasingly popular, most IT departments have faced the decision on whether or not to adopt it; according to CIO, research from RightScale found 93 percent of businesses are using cloud technology in some capacity. With employees collaborating, in some cases from different continents, the growth in cloud adoption is not surprising. The cloud offers flexibility and makes accessing files easier.

Despite its popularity, however, moving to the cloud is not always a no-brainer. For example, while the cloud allows easy access to files, businesses dealing with sensitive data may find they need to keep files on-site in accordance with compliance mandates. Other factors like maintenance costs should also be considered before making the switch, but those figures are not always easy to find.

Fortunately, a third option exists for those who can not or will not leave on-premise behind, but still want the benefits of the cloud: the hybrid cloud. The hybrid cloud offers the speed and security of on-premise with the versatility of the cloud. According to Data Center Knowledge, the hybrid cloud also allows companies to “leverage the direct benefits of both a private and public cloud environment.” The hybrid cloud gives these companies more flexibility in how their employees work and it, too, is seeing an uptick in popularity. According to RightScale, a survey of IT professionals found private cloud adoption has increased from 63 percent to 77 percent.

With all of this to consider, it can be difficult to determine what option will work best for your business and be cost-effective. While not comprehensive, this infographic breaks down some of the main factors that are looked at when businesses are considering a new storage option. In it, the cost, time and space needed to maintain both on-premise and cloud storage are examined, while other considerations like downtime are also highlighted. The increasingly popular hybrid cloud is also explored, giving viewers a clear idea of what options are available to them.

Whether you decide on the cloud, on-premise, or the hybrid cloud, this infographic’s illustration of the pros and cons of each should help you make your choice!

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