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Sberbank Makes Pokémon Go Safe Through New Insurance Policy

Posted In Games - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016 With No Comments »

Pokémon Go has not just bought happiness and adventure into our lives, but it has paved the way to catastrophe as well. If you walked into a wall or tripped over the staircase while trying hunt these little fellows, don’t feel bad. You are not the only one following the Pokemon Go spoof! Despite the increment in the number of people who get injured while playing this game, the popularity of Pokémon Go keeps on ascending. This insane addiction is, why Russia’s largest bank has offered to provide free accident insurance for all Pokémon Go players.

Pokémon Go Safe

Free Accident Insurance

Sberbank is not only the greatest bank in the country, but it also has a loyal customer base which includes more than 135 million individuals. If you are an ardent Pokémon Go fan, you can activate the insurance in an instant. All you need to do is visit – the official website of the bank – and input your name and mobile number. Once you do so, the insurance will be automatically activated.

Enhancing Financial Literacy

When promoting the bank’s latest insurance policy, Maxim Chernin, head of IC Sberbank Life Insurance, stated that that the bank considers itself to be responsible for individuals who get physically affected by Pokémon Go. Since the number of injured players keeps increasing, Sberbank – as the largest life insurance company in Russia – has decided to stage an intervention. Furthermore, Chernin also believes that such a product will improve the financial literacy among the younger population. By being exposed to financial tools at an early age, the youth will be able to utilize services such as life insurance in the best possible way.

Successful Pokémon Hunting

Apart from the free insurance for injuries, Pokémon Go players also receive an additional bonus from the bank. Sberbank is equipping its branches to help the customers catch Pokémon. The PokéStops located near the branches are being equipped with special lures to attract the creatures, so customers will not have to roam around the city to capture the little beasts.

This insurance will be a true blessing for Pokémon Go enthusiasts since it enables them to concentrate on the game without any worries. The latest efforts of Sberbank not only offer the much needed assurance for the players, but they increase the possibility of winning as well. So, if you have given up on this game, give it a shot now!

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