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Infographic: Must-Have Apps for Nature Lovers

Posted In Infographics - By Techtiplib on Thursday, October 6th, 2016 With No Comments »

Do you have a smartphone? Would you like to learn more about the outdoors? Luckily for us in 2016, there are tons of apps designed specifically for nature lovers. In some cases, in order to properly see wildlife (and feel like you’re close to nature) you have to find it. There are lots of mobile applications that can help you do just that.

Apps for Nature Lover

Apps certainly are a booming business. Last year alone, there were millions of app downloads. Worldwide mobile app revenue for 2015 was $41.1 billion. Work, school and life in general can get hectic. Sometimes getting out and in touch with nature allows you to destress. Interacting with some wildlife can help you to remember just how beautiful our planet is. There’s never been a better time to get outside and get in touch with nature.

Even an app can enhance your experience when you are in nature. So before you head out on your next nature walk, picnic or hiking adventure, take a look at these informative apps and download them so you can enjoy everything that nature has to offer. You no longer have to stuff books, guides, binoculars or maps into your backpack, your smartphone is the only tool you need when you’re exploring the wild.

Today, smartphone users have nearly 1.7 million apps to choose from. With so much choice, it can be difficult to choose the right app for your outdoor pursuit. The people from Jarrimber have created the below infographic that details some of the best apps on the market. Some of these apps will help you find and/or identify animals while other apps gives you a place to log all the animals and insects that you see.

All of these apps provide a fantastic way for us to record and share our nature findings, advance our knowledge & identification skills and even contribute to scientific research. It features iNaturalist. With iNaturalist you can record your happenstances with other organisms and maintain life lists. You can also build your knowledge by talking with other naturalists and helping others. Additionally, you can connect with experts who can categorise the organisms that you have observed. For all the details, let’s take a look at this informative infographic! 

Have you used any of these apps? Which was the best for your adventure? Let us know in the comment section below!

apps for Nature Lover

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