Understanding the Concept of Steam Cabins
The regular shower or multi-head shower module is a wonderful invention. It allows you to indulge in hot and cold showers, at any time of the day. For most of them, the heating element is stored in the attic or in the basement. Sometimes, a small water-heating unit is installed which can provide the hot water for a shower. The hot showers are very important in the colder climates. They ensure a relaxing bath along with making you warm and clean. Hot steam has the capacity to open all the pores in the body.
Some people need to understand the difference between hot water showers and steam showers. Steam showers are derived from steam rooms in fitness centres and gyms. The residential units can be built by the owner according to their specifications. Alternatively, they can buy a modular unit which can fit in a corner of the bathroom. Both the steam and the hot water showers are used by the residential owners as per the climate and the requirement of heat.
What are Steam Showers?
Regular hot water showers can produce steam, however, it takes more than steaming water to be a steam shower. Hot water from a shower spews out of the nozzle as a liquid. Due to the hot temperature, some of it turns to steam. The steam then fogs up the stall and condenses on the walls. The thing to remember is that the water was ejected from the nozzle as a liquid.
On the other hand, steam showers are different because they have dedicated nozzles for steam. They also have nozzles for the water. Even without the nozzles for the water, they would still be called steam showers because the heater was designed to generate steam, which is forced out of the steam nozzles. The majority of the water coming out is in the form of steam.
In terms of heat, water that flows out of a regular hot water shower seldom reaches the boiling point of water. On the other hand, the steam coming out of the shower is hotter than the boiling point of water. That explains why steam rooms are much hotter than shower stalls. The steam can sting and prolonged exposure can be painful.
The Work Required
For those who would want to install their own steam showers, some civil works may be required. For one, the inside of the stall has to be sealed against steam. For another, the outside of the stall has to be treated to repel the steam. Untreated paint and plaster would be easily damaged due to the steam from the stall.
When it comes to the shower stall itself, you can have it custom built in place, or you can buy a modular unit. The biggest difference between the two is that the modular unit only needs to have its water pipes connected to the house’s pipes, and the electrical wirings connected as well. The modular unit in these days can bring the best type of shower experience and a feel of privacy in your bathroom. Many companies offer the bathroom enclosures along with the hot shower steam baths. While you are buying the steam shower, it is better that you check the parts of the unit.
There are many modular units to choose from. However, if you were to build your own steam shower you can also design it according to your wishes. It might require a larger space if you want to have more seats or even benches.
Author Bio:
Simon Hopes is a reputed author and he writes various articles on the home decoration and styling accessories. He suggests the readers to use the steam shower at home to give a warm experience.