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Stop Compromising Your Data and Get BlackBerry PGP Encryption

Posted In Blackberry - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, February 14th, 2017 With No Comments »

Every time you send an unencrypted email, you’re exposing yourself to more eyes than you might suspect. Your information is valuable and there are more parties than ever before who want to know what you’re talking about. Sending an email through your Smartphone is simply not secure and they can easily be intercepted and read unless you take appropriate steps to defend yourself. The previous operating system developed for older BlackBerry devices was BlackBerry OS, a proprietary multitasking environment developed by RIM. The operating system is designed for use of input devices such as the track wheel, track ball, and track pad.

PGP encryption takes a plain text email and makes it unreadable unless the reader has access to a key pairing (using their private key, unique to their BlackBerry device, to decrypt a public key sent with the message). The three most common threats to your privacy come from cyber criminals, governments, and your own employer, all with their own motives for reading your messages and differing consequences.

BlackBerry PGP Encryption

#1 Fraud: It may seem obvious that you shouldn’t share financial information through email, but fraud today is also more sophisticated than it ever has been and many cyber criminals spy on your business or personal emails not for financial information itself, but to learn details about your social, family, or professional life that they can leverage in fraudulent emails. If you’re concerned about security, you’re probably not likely to fall for scams from strangers, but businesses are particularly vulnerable to fraudsters posing as major customers or suppliers, and employees with access to financial data aren’t always trained to identify potential risks.

 #2 Workplace Dismissals: Everyone has a professional face they put on at work, but if you speak freely over email, either on personal emails sent through work or to your colleagues, you could be risking dismissal. Not only do employers in many countries have the right to monitor emails that you send through a work account or while you are at your workplace, but they do take advantage of that right. It’s not uncommon to hear stories of people dismissed for emails about the workplace or voicing negative opinions about a boss or colleague over email. It may not even seem like you’re breaking any rules; BlackBerry PGP encryption simply makes sense if you’re concerned about your privacy at home or at work, and it can be simple and easy to use if you use a provider such as the company Myntex. 

#3 Governments: It’s well known that governments in many countries spy on both their own citizens and on foreign nationals, and if you’re communicating intellectual property (like patents) or expressing political dissent in an authoritarian country (if you’re a journalist; for example), you’re going to want to make sure that your emails remain private. BlackBerry PGP encryption from a reputable provider like Myntex adds a layer of defense against prying eyes and it’s a must-have security feature for anyone concerned about government spying. 

Whatever your reasons, you have a right to privacy and in this highly-monitored world, but you have to take extra measures to make sure that your information and messages do not fall into the wrong hands. PGP encryption for your BlackBerry and sleep soundly know that your emails can only be read by the intended recipient.

Author Bio:

Simon Hopes is a renowned author and social media enthusiast. You are not defenceless against prying eyes; BlackBerry PGP encryption, provided by companies like Myntex, encrypts your emails so that they can only be read by the person to whom you’ve sent it

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