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10 Reasons Why A Digital Marketing Strategy Is Must For You In 2017!

Posted In Business - By Techtiplib on Monday, March 20th, 2017 With No Comments »

Change and evolution of modern technologies have increased the online presence of competitors as well as the potential customer. Organizations are changing their business models and integrating online digital marketing strategy as essential part of their marketing plans. In such a case implementation of successful digital marketing strategy is the only way to stay ahead for the small, medium and large organization. Digital marketing strategy is a source of competitive advantage in this highly competitive technological equipped business environment.

Digital marketing is an attempt to capture a growing and very lucrative online marketplace. It is the process of attracting a large number of targeted audience online. Digital marketing is not only about receiving tons of daily traffic to a website, but it is also the process of converting traffic into leads. In the current era of globalization, successful implementation of digital marketing strategy is important for success and growth of business and ecommerce industry.

A digital marketing strategy is a protocol for survival, competition, and growth of the organization. It gives a foundation for all key online marketing activities. It is equally important for a small, medium and large organization to embrace their digital marketing strategy. An effective digital marketing strategy will not create a logical sequence of operational and marketing activities of the organization, but it will also help the company to take right decisions.

The following list of 10 reasons will help you to understand that the use of effective marketing channel is important for the organization with respect to growth and investment.

1. Digital Marketing Levels the Online Playing Field

It was generally accepted that digital marketing requires huge investment and sufficient resources. Therefore, it is suitable for large organizations and Multinational Corporation only. But now, digital marketing level the playing field. It is providing growth opportunities to small as well as the medium organizations. It is providing the chances to compete against the big corporation by attracting the share of targeted traffic. Digital marketing has made it possible for a small organization to attract a large number of online users. It is providing the opportunity to perform online sale and marketing processes.

Online digital marketing strategy is providing a platform to small and medium enterprises to engage customer from any part of the world effectively without having a call center or physical stores in their locations. Digital marketing is no longer a marketing function of large organizations. Now small and medium enterprises can integrate online marketing strategies in order to compete with large organizations around the globe.

2. Cost Effective

Digital marketing is the more cost effective marketing strategy than traditional marketing. Financial resources and capitalization are small in the case of small business and organizations. Therefore digital marketing is providing a better opportunity to them to have online market presences effectively and efficiently. Online digital marketing is cost effective marketing channel which results in high profits for the company. According to digital marketing spend report of Gartner, 40% respondents believe that digital marketing is a cost-effective method of promotion. According to this report, 28% business owners are shifting marketing budget allocations from traditional marketing to online marketing. Investment in digital marketing strategy results in a better cost per lead than traditional marketing.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Worldwide internet accessibility is increasing day by day. Social media is the lovechild of World Wide Web which is providing cost effective online marketing platform to Large, small as well as medium size firms. It is expected that the number of online media users will reach up to 2.95 billion by 2020 which is one-third of the entire population of the world. The online platform has revolutionized access to information, and it is playing positive role in vitalizing the market. Online marketing is a cost effective marketing strategy which can connect buyer and sellers of goods and services in a better way.

3. Real-Time Interaction

Digital marketing allows the organization to interact with targeted and potential customers in real time. In the case of social media marketing real time interaction is encouraged by the marketers. Through online marketing channels, the marketer is able to encourage prospects, clients, and followers to take action. Visit the website and read about the products and services. Online marketing channels not only attract customer before making a sale. After making sales customer are also allowed to rate the product, provide reviews to help other customer and give feedback to the manufacturer or service provider.

In the case of digital marketing, organizations are no longer have to wait for the boosting business. Marketers can make decisions by making the number of visitors’ on-site, increasing trend of subscribers, Conversion rates, peak trading time and much more. Digital marketing strategy by providing real-time interaction opportunity play a significant role in increasing customer engagement with a particular brand.

4. Brand Development

Digital marketing is powerful marketing strategy which has the ability to attract a large number of targeted traffic on board. Targeted audience are the audiences which are likely ready to know more about your product or services. Other than targeted audiences digital marketing is also effective for attracting potential customers. By providing real-time interaction opportunity online, digital marketing can convert targeted audiences into potential customers and increase brand engagement with customers. Digital marketing strategy enhances customer experience, develop a good relationship with them and helps in gaining brand loyalty and trust which play a significant role in increasing sales and growth of the organization.

Digital marketing enhances customer interaction with the brand. It helps marketers to position their brand in the minds of customers better. By delivering as per promises will also help marketers to develop a better relationship with customers. Through digital marketing, a marketer can influence targeted customer to make a sale on the regular and continuous basis. Satisfied customer with long-term engagement with the brand is better for brand reputation. It will enhance positive word of mouth and open new doors of opportunity for a particular business.

5. Catering Mobile Customers

Mobile internet is an evolution in technology. The rapid proliferation of smartphones and tablets and internet enabled devices is bringing new communication channel. According to the mobile survey, devices are a central part of human life. In the USA 91% of adults have their devices in reaching distances. Moreover, the use of internet over mobile devices is increasing with an outstanding growth rate. Various researchers have identified that use of internet on mobile devices is significantly influencing the customers to make a purchase online.

It is the best opportunity for marketers to implement digital marketing strategies with an intention to attract mobile consumers. In order to achieve better growth and faster expansion, digital marketing is covering mobile customers. Mobile phones are considered as an integral part of our lives which is also becoming a growing target platform in the digital world.

6. Making Ready for Internet of Things

Internet of things is internetworking of physical devices, smartphones, gadgets and other things through electronics, software, network connectivity and sensors. It seems like something from Sci-Fi thriller. The digital marketing strategy will prepare a business to survive in an era of the internet of things. There are plenty of things which are going to be available online. Internet of things will allow customers and organizations to interact with the real-time environment and share information in real-time as well. Digital marketing by doing so is making organization to do planning for the internet of things as much as possible.

7. Measure Success

In the case of implementing a successful digital media marketing strategy, organizations would be able to measure and monitor the success. Digital marketing generates a steady flow of traffic which convert it into sales.

Digital marketing as an interactive method of marketing reaches to infinite audiences. Plenty of direct contacts enables the customer to give valuable consumer feedback which helps the organization to analyze their activities and operations. Through digital media marketers are able to measure traffic to the site, level of customer engagement which they have on the social network, it can also count people who are visiting the blog. In simple words, we can say that digital marketing strategy is important for any organization because it makes it easier to track and measure specific goals for marketing efforts.

8. Entices People to Take Favorable Actions

Customer reviews and testimonials help the brand to earn customer trust. According to Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey  90 percent respondents believed that brand trust increase if the information comes from experienced customers for a particular brand. Effective digital marketing strategies by increasing customer trust play a significant role in enticing customers to make a purchase. Digital marketers can make the use of clever and innovative ways to entice conversions to lead by making the use of call to action.

Through a call to action strategy digital marketers specific the process of making a purchase. These specific steps will entice customers to perform a favorable action.

9. Better Return on Investment

Digital marketing provides a better return on investment. Successful implementation of digital media marketing strategy increase revenues and help in creating a better brand reputation. Better revenues and better branding result in better return on investment than traditional marketing. Moreover, the digital media marketing is cost efficient marketing strategy as it requires a small investment and results in high lead per cost.

10. Enable Business to Survive Online in Long Run

In the case of physical existence, the long-term presence in the market is quite challenging. People come and visit brick and mortar stores, but only a few of them will actually make a purchase. They will become a regular customer and purchase regular ion basis if they are satisfied with the brand. The increase in a number of unsatisfied customer and decrease in the number of satisfied customers affect the physical presence of the organization. Digital marketing help organizations to take advantage of proven marketing strategies and help them to attract more traffic. Digital marketing tools not only attract millions of traffic but it can also change the traffic into leads. Digital marketing is all about targeting right kind of people which have the ability to deliver right kind of results in order to ensure the survival of the particular organization.

Wrap Up

This article by covering all the important aspects of digital marketing strategy have highlighted the importance and significance of digital marketing. The above-mentioned list of 10 reasons are enough to convince you that a digital marketing strategy is really important for you as it will play a significant role in the growth and development of any organization.

Author Bio:

This is Muhammad Hasan. Academically a computer scientist and a digital marketer professionally. I love everything about SEO, social media, blogging, writing and digital marketing. I’m currently associated with FleekBiz!

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