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5 Ways to Boost Your Website Conversion in 2017

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Thursday, March 9th, 2017 With No Comments »

The internet is a big deal and, because of that, we want to do everything in our power to make sure that our website visits get converted to action. How do we know that this is happening? How can you find the answers that work out the best and give your business the results that it has been looking for all of this time? Elite Web Design AZ is in Phoenix and they have a lot of ways to make sure that people get the responses they need to grow their business effectively. In this article, we are going to look at 5 ways to boost your website conversion in 2017.

Boost Your Website

Image Credit: Pixabay

  1. Have a responsive website. One of the most frustrating things can be to go to a website and notice that it’s really slow and not very responsive. If your website is not optimized so that it can be loaded quickly, then you definitely need to get an overhaul, or your response rates are not going to be as high as they need to be for you to be able to find success.
  2. Include customer testimonials on your website. We all want to know what people have experienced at different businesses, so you want to make sure that you make that accessible to anyone who may be looking for that information. Be sure to utilize surveys and social media in order to get the best results and find whatever you may need so that you can offer testimonials.
  3. Have a live chat response option. Whether you utilize Infinity Contact for call center outsourcing or you designate someone on your staff to just worry about communicating with customers, you want to have some sort of live chat option that people can use as soon as they get to your website. The interactivity gives a face to your company and ensures that you are going to find the answers that you need to stay on top of everything that customers may be looking for from your website.
  4. Be sure to have social shares for your blogs. If you write a blog (and you should – it helps with search engine optimization/SEO), then you want people to be able to like, share, and comment on those blogs. Be sure to connect your blogs to every type of social media that is currently available. Not only will this increase conversion, but it’s also a built-in way to get your customers to share about your business on your website.
  5. Have easy to read and effective landing pages. When you have a landing page, make sure that it loads quickly, that it’s easy for people to read, and it lets people know just what is going on as soon as they get on that landing page. Make it easy to navigate so that people get to where they need to go and you can convert your visits into purchases much more quickly that way.

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