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5 Reasons to go for a Joomla Business Website

Posted In Joomla - By Techtiplib on Thursday, April 13th, 2017 With No Comments »

The internet landscape is a volatile one and for your business to stay ahead, you have to adopt innovative strategies. One way to ensure your business is leveraging the growing internet numbers is building a professional and highly functional website.

While there are many platforms to run your site, Joomla remains one of the most recommended content management systems (CMS). It allows you to develop a functional yet aesthetically appealing website to attract more users.

Joomla Business Website

Launched in 2005, Joomla boasts 68 million downloads to date with big names, such as Linux, Harvard Business and The Capitol Hill is using the CMS.A reliable web developer such as will definitely recommend Joomla to guarantee optimal performance of your site.

If you are lost about which CMS to use, below are some more reasons to go for Joomla in order to increase your brand’s online visibility:

  1. Open Source Infrastructure

One of the reasons both small and big names are using Joomla to host their websites is the fact that it is an open source platform without any costly licensing needs. Your business startup will not be curtailed by high costs of web development in order to gain a foothold in the internet market. More importantly, the fact that it has been created using PHP web scripting language makes it easier for developers to come up with free extensions again cutting the cost of maintenance and customization as your website grows.

  1. Flexibility

One thing every web administrator desires is to have a fully functional website that can accommodate our growing business needs. With over 8,000 free extensions, there is no limit to how far you can go with site customization and improving functionality. Most websites start small but later there is the need to integrate social media widgets and this is easy when it comes to Joomla CMS.

  1. Easy to Use

Joomla is easy to install and use. This comes as a Godsend for business owners with a one-click installation and easy customization. Anyone can add content and edit as needs arise without any need for specialized training. You don’t have to worry about going back to class for CSS, PHP or HTML lessons in order to use Joomla. It is as simple as creating content and hitting publish, and you are good to go.

  1. Large User Community

There is a large user community of over 200,000 and most of these are highly experienced Joomla developers and programming experts. The beauty of it is that they are involved in development of plugins and extensions that are launched on to the community for free. More importantly, any query you have regarding Joomla operations will get an instant answer from credible sources.

  1. Built-in SEO Functionality

Any website that is not optimized for search engines cannot meet its objectives. With a Joomla website, you have search friendly URLs that are in-built to get better SEO ranking. It is easy to choose your Meta keywords and descriptions for your pages to boost your ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). By allowing a web administrator to manage their SEO strategy, this CMS guarantees the best ranking for targeted keywords.

Joomla is the alternative for businesses looking for professional e-commerce platforms. It is free, easy to use and comes with in-built SEO tools for better ranking on SERPs.

Author Bio:

Walter is a Las Vegas-based web developer. He consults for and also writes on topical issues affecting the industry. Walter lives with family in Las Vegas. Visit his blog here for more information.

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