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Awesome Applications That Can Turn Smartphones Into Spy Devices

Posted In Security, iPhone - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, April 12th, 2017 With No Comments »

Over the past few years, smartphones have changed the way of human lives. Everything from checking mails to running businesses, people generally depend on on these small and potent devices to complete their daily tasks. Since their first introduction, smartphones have steadily evolved with features, like Bluetooth, camera, wireless internet, GPS, and others, to meet the growing demands of the people.

Microscope Capabilities

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These features have also enabled smartphones to be used as great spying devices. Gone are those days when spying needed hi-tech, bulky, and costly equipments, now-a-days spying can be easily done through smartphones which contain various sensitive personal datas.

A smartphone has camera, GPS, voice recorder, internet access, remote accessing capabilities, and many other features which can provide necessary information that are required by the spies. Adding to the inbuilt features there are many TOP best iphone spy apps and Android apps, like mSpy, Spyera, and others which can make smartphones a perfect tool for spying.

Here are some applications that you can use to spy:

Audio or voice recorder

It’s probably the most basic and general smartphone feature that could be used for effective spying. Most smartphones come with pre-built audio recording app, which allows you to record voices and sounds. You can use this feature to secretly record conversations and play it whenever required. If your phone doesn’t have a pre-installed audio recording app, you can always download one.

There are many other spy apps which leverage the mic of the smartphone, like EarSpy. This application routes the audio from your phone’s mails to any headset, which will help you with listening conversations clearly without creating any doubts.


Spyera is an app available in both Apple and Android devices, which can be easily installed on the victim’s phone. The software can listen to the phone calls and can record audio from the surrounding and save it for later. It’s also capable of tracking instant messages and texts and upload the copies of the photos that the victim takes.

This app can leverage every feature that a smartphone has and can provide sensitive information about the location of the device, phone calls, text messages, and many others. However, Spyera is very expensive when compared to the other applications.


It’s an exclusive app that precisely targets gadgets that run on iOS devices. Once the software is installed, it provides you control of everything that happens on the device of the victim. TheOneSpy application collects data from the victim’s phone and encrypts them so that only the spy can access them. It’s also capable of activating microphone and camera of victim’s phone remotely.

TheOneSpy application comes with monthly subscription plans and isn’t expensive. 30 days of monitoring through this app comes for less than $20 which is very cheap.


One of the TOP iphone spy apps, mSpy could be by far the best smartphone spying application. This application is entirely legal to use since it’s marketed to parents who are concerned about their kids being contacted by somebody they don’t believe. However, it can be easily available and can be used by others as well.

mSpy has the ability to monitor content from applications, like Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, and others which make it an effective spy application. It can also monitor GPS locations and even restrict calls from predefined numbers.

Highster mobile

This spying software is recognized for its ability to monitor 3rd party apps that people generally use on mobile devices, such as Facebook, Skype, Instagram, WhatsApp, and others. It can be easily installed remotely on any Apple and Android device which will enable it to block any 3rd party app it’s instructed to. Once installed on the victim’s device, the app can also be used to completely lock the device.


FlexiSpy is an app that can be installed onto your victim’s device if you want to spy on all its activities. Not only can FlexiSpy monitor audio, messages, and data, but it can also spy on GPS location, passwords, and data from other apps. Furthermore, once installed on the victim’s device you can receive alerts for various triggers. FlexiSpy works in secret since the application is hidden from the task manager.

These are some of the best applications available online which you could use to turn a smartphone into a perfect spying tool. Most of these tools are designed for parents to make sure their kids stay safe online. However, if these are used for other illegal purposes, then they can cause many problems.

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