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Indispensable SEO Conferences That you Must Attend

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Saturday, April 8th, 2017 With No Comments »

Today, with the growth of internet and people getting access to blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts and other information platforms, it’s very easy to get an expressions that conferences and events are outdated and a thing of the past. However, you may be missing out on some of the best and established opportunities to take your skills to the next level if you’re not attending conferences.

Conferences and events play a great role if you are into internet marketing and SEO specifically. Attending conferences and events will provide you a great platform to meet your potential clients and industry peers to develop beneficial relationships. They’re also critical in providing information about staying on top of the latest SEO tips, trends, and strategies to increase search traffic.

IM Conference

SEO events and conferences provide you a chance to listen to some of the best new ideas, new technology, and new content. Some conferences might also go a step further and provide you unrecorded and uncensored speakers. These speakers can deliver many unknown and cutting edge technologies to the listeners.

If you’re looking forward to attend some of the conferences but are unsure about what are the best events to attend, here is a List of SEO events and conferences that you should consider attending:

SEJ Summit

Tag lined as “By SEOs, For SEOs”, Search Engine Journal’s event is held in New York, Santa Monica and, Chicago. This one day event focuses on SEO optimization and takes care of the speaker and attendee ratio which is around 1:18, providing attendees with better opportunities to interact with the speakers.

The speakers of the SEJ Summit come for big brand companies like Disney, Google, LinkedIn, and others. This provides a great opportunity for the attendees to clear all their doubts and learn about the new SEO trends.

State of Search

This Dallas based event emphasizes on local SEO and networking opportunities. The two day event attracts a lot of people and businessmen from all across the country. Getting some of the industry greats as its speakers, the conference is a boon for people who want to learn about SEO and digital marketing.


UnGagged unconventional conference is an open forum for all the speakers. This event attracts many industry greats, because none of its sessions are open to recording and sharing the information. Attendees learn many new SEO techniques which are not available in any other platforms and speakers tend to provide uncensored information about SEO.

It’s recommended that you keep a notepad with you always while attending the UnGagged conference, since there are no recording instruments allowed. You can lose out on important information if you don’t make notes.


The home to some of the most important and knowledgeable leaders in the SEO industry, Mozcon a conference by Moz provides a great opportunity to interact and learn with them and other likeminded professionals. The conference provides you great insight about the strategies and tactics that you can use to improve your SEO and business.

This is a List of SEO events and conferences that you can attend and take your SEO skills to the next level.

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