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New Trends in SEO Techniques – Proven Techniques to Make Greater Impact

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Thursday, April 6th, 2017 With No Comments »

SEO services have developed a great deal since they were used for the first time to improve the chances of getting better ranking. The webmaster of search engines routinely makes some new changes in the algorithms to make sure that the results that search engines produce get better with each passing day and people get the relevant information quickly. And with any change in the search engine algorithms, the SEO techniques also change so that they can use the new changes to get a better ranking in any search engine results. In the past few years, the work profile of a typical SEO company in India has also undergone a great change. Now the employees are more aware of the new changes and are better prepared to leverage their knowledge than in the past. It is impossible to list all the major changes that are adopted by the SEO experts to get better rankings. We have listed a few of them here to give you a basic idea about the major trends in this industry.

Trends in SEO

1). Mobile will lead in the future: The impact of mobile phones in India is tremendous, it is believed that there are more than a billion mobile phones in India. Although the majority of them are feature phones, but the percentage of the smartphone is also rising with each passing day. Nowadays the majority of people access the Internet through their smartphones, therefore, to succeed in getting a better ranking, it is essential to make the website compatible with mobile screen size through responsive design.

2). The use of voice command: As revealed earlier majority of the people are accessing the Internet through the smartphones. However, due to the small size of the keypad in most mobile phones, it has become necessary to incorporate voice command on the website so that the visitor can browse the website through a simple voice command and does not have to face the difficulty in typing with small keys.

3). The all-pervasive reach of social media: The importance of social media in the lives of the present generation is well documented. If you want to improve the ranking of your website, then make sure that you have a blog on the social media talking about your website. There should be links from the social site to the website. A search engine gives extra marks for a website that has a presence in the social media.

4). The increasing popularity of long tailed keywords: To narrow down the search of your viewer, you should use long tailed keywords in your website contents. It is important that you use them in articles as well as in the titles of the images or articles to get a better response from the search engine algorithms.

5). Put greater emphasis on secure links: Search engines give greater marks if they are convinced that your website is secure. So, change your website to the more secure ‘HTTPS’ from the ‘HTTP’.

6). User experience the most important factor: This can be done by providing greater graphical content, improved labeling and making the whole website easy to navigate.

7). Do not put all your eggs in one basket: Because Google is the dominant player in the search engine business, do not make the mistake of using SEO techniques for Google only. There are a large number of people who use other search engines like Bing, Yahoo and other less known search engines to get an answer to their queries.

Author Bio:

Simon Hopes is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.  As an SEO company in India, make sure that you give adequate focus to the user experience.

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