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Deciphering which is apt for an enterprise- Mobile apps or Mobile Internet

Posted In Mobile - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017 With No Comments »

With the transition of enterprises towards a mobile friendly environment, a raging debate related to whether mobile internet or mobile apps are best suited and whether integrating both for beneficiary aspects is a prevalent topic. 

It is a fact that entrepreneurs and business people have not come to a clear resolution regarding this and in the event they have, it is not well implemented. In most of the scenarios, there is a middle ground that is featured and the individuals associated with the enterprises may have varying opinions regarding which is mandatory and which is not. However, the best option goes for “Mobile Apps” and “Both”. This article will throw light on the reasons and also focus on the debates related to the adoption of the mobile internet.

Hybrid Mobile Apps

Why Mobile Internet is tempting

It is without much hassles, simple to comprehend why most of the brands are desolately going for mobile internet as their primary mobile plans for augmenting business. Similar to desktop internet, mobile internet can be easily manipulated.

It circumvents the embarrassing situation of implementing two channels up to date. The aspect of reinventing the digital product completely from the scratch is avoided thanks to the application of mobile optimization. These debates are persuasive with respect to the CTO and CFO when it comes to the perils of postulating and speculating. Mobile internet is inexpensive and simple. Further, adding mobile internet is a primary and important channel related to detection. Users disperse links through social media and there is a scenario where they browse to some page and get what is required by them. They dont anticipate to be revealed with an empty page and request to download apps.

Yet, in spite of the benefits, with things being ‘easy’ is not a recommended suggestion to determine the next actions. Mobile internet first plan has only one problem to be concerned. It does not meet the expectations of the users and they reject it. Irrespective of the fact that established brands lack the capability to generate receptive mobile experiences, it shelves and suspends the total population from devoting a considerable amount of time-related to mobile internet. Simply put to fact users spend in mobile apps more than six times the time they use for mobile internet

Mobile Internet in a vying market

The native mobile experience thanks to its speed, well-organized and well-integrated features provides an enthralling experience when compared to that of mobile internet. Further featured are the prospects of implementing an eternal reminder of the enterprise on the mobile device’s home screen.

Intricate complexity is absent here. Coming to an environment where people feature several apps and restricted amount of time put to use, they are typically not interested in expanding time-related to brands which offer substandard user experiences and also assume that such experiences are well proficient. Provided the enterprise is not focused on implementing mobile apps into their businesses, the users will feel disillusioned and opt for rivals who offer the same service. The aspect as to who that is and when it will occur is quite terminal.

The most perilous blunder which mobile brands commit is prioritising short term profitability over the important user experience. Hence it is well recommended and suggested to incorporate a mobile app plan and venture deep into the development. This does not signify that mobile internet is on the brink of extinction but that the aforementioned answer to the question whether “mobile app” or “both” is conveyed comprehensively.

The requirement for both mobile apps and mobile internet

This query has a very easy solution, where if the enterprise is siding with identification through social channels and that the aspect of downloading the mobile app to use does not sit well with random visitors, the enterprise must wisely go for both the options. On the contrary, the mobile app is more than sufficient when the enterprise is basically a mobile-first enterprise.

Coming to the people who belong to the first list they constitute of media agencies, financial organizations and retailers. In the second set, newcomers who implement the entire mobile focus as a USP are the ones enlisted.  The first set must always be aware that they are at risk from the second group. irrespective of the situations and events, users must be incorporated with the mobile apps. This is the reason why a mobile internet user is generally always asked to install the app. Apart from better interactivity experienced by the visitor, they are considerably defended from the vying in the market by having a great experience and encounter.

So typically coming to a majority of the scenarios, both the mobile app and mobile internet have to be integrated but it is very much stressed on the benefits of mobile apps.

The ever altering technological environment

To conclude, it is to be noted that whatever is feasible at present will rapidly evolve further. Speaking of this, the smartphone industry is only a decade old and the entrepreneurs are still in the nascent stages of this particular technology. A few vogues can make the change favouring the one over the other. Coming to mobile internet technology, the flourishment of higher internet speeds and more revolutionary User Experience options are sure to augment the operations, performance and the overall experience.

Coming to mobile apps, the vogue and fashion related to instant apps signifies that native mobile app experience can be made slick and smooth flowing with the help of mobile internet. Mobile users may assume that they are using only the mobile internet, but when it comes to communicating with the enterprises and brands, they are providing native mobile app experience via that avenue.

Provided in the probability that native apps are launched in a prosperous manner, then discoverability of mobile internet will be amalgamated with the advanced User Experience stemming from the mobile app. There would be any need of any sacrifices. Being native is the best mode of development but the channels via which it is conveyed are very much different.

Author Bio:

Pyramidion Solutions which is an elite mobile app development agency headquartered in Chennai, India has global eminence in creating issue free and very productive iOS apps and Android apps as well. It has developed mobile apps for national and international clients as well making an impactful mark globally.

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