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Major Benefits of Having the WeatherBug App Installed In Your Smartphone

Posted In Android, iOS Apple - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, June 27th, 2017 With No Comments »

Weather is built in the phone app, which helps you to monitor the temperature, climatic condition, and precipitations in your city and other cities around the world.

WeatherBug App

The company developed WeatherBug, a mobile application of their service for Android, iOS and Windows Phone platforms. Spark is a component of the WeatherBug app that reports where the nearest lightning strike is to you, based on data from the Total Lightning Network and your phone’s GPS location. WeatherBug is a mobile application created by WeatherBug for the Android and iOS platforms. WeatherBug was the second most popular weather information service on the Internet. The WeatherBug desktop application was launched and later, so was the website. Later, the company launched WeatherBug and WeatherBug Elite as smartphone apps for iOS and Android.

If you are using a Smartphone, you may download a weather application compatible with your phone. The app gets constantly updated with new radar images and forecast. The applications focus forecasting weather at the city where you are right now. So it’s helpful, and the best app will provide you lots of features other than forecasting the weather.

WeatherBug app

The application is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. If you are an iPhone user, you may open iTunes to download the application. It is the popular free weather application that delivers fast real -time forecast. It provides accurate information, and you will remain up to date with the forecast in your city. You will receive weather alerts of other countries too.

Benefits of using WeatherBug application

  1. Design – WeatherBug provides multiple options for weather condition you wish to see. It comes with 18 animated apps. The animated background gives you a quick understanding of the weather condition. You may look at the actual temperature on the screen. When you open the app, you can check weather quickly and efficiently. The detailed weather data is well organized.
  2. Easy to use – Easy-to-use interface is a very important factor when you are choosing a weather application to be installed on your phone. This app can be used easily on your phone without much thought. From the animated screen, you may move to left, right or up which will take you to other important screens.
  3. Interesting features – WeatherBug provides an hourly forecast, 10 -day forecast and other features like lightning alert, satellite, local temperature, pressure and radar, humid, wind, pollen, heat index, precipitation and much more. The app will warn you forecasted precipitation in next two hours and today widget will be coupled with current temperature and day forecast.
  4. Customize your weather – You are free to customize your weather that fits with your need. You may rearrange weather tiles according to your liking. You may customize forecast according to your lifestyle activities like sports, lawn care, golf, and games.
  5. Easy to track any condition – You will receive weather alert every minute and will show you current weather condition for local and saved location. The Doppler radar animation will show you precipitation information. You may view current traffic conditions to plan your day ahead. Weather information will be shown on your home screen. You can track hurricanes using satellite and radar.

The WeatherBug application helps you to be in touch with your friends and family members through various social networking sites. The app is intuitive with eye – catching design. It keeps you prepared in advance to face all weather condition.

Author Bio:

Simon Hopes is a renowned author and social media enthusiast. When you search weather app in the app store, you will find endless options that will help you to check the weather every minute.

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