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Unique 404 Page Building

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Monday, July 24th, 2017 With No Comments »

There is no way you don’t remember the era of Space Invaders. Imagine sitting at your computer, you body as tense as cardboard, as you sit on the edge of your chair shooting bullets up into space in hopes of rocketing down your targets. You fingers are going as fast as your reflexes will allow them to click. Your mom hollers from down the stairs to come and have dinner, you barely hear her until the sound of a blast brings you straight back to attention. Remember the noises you use to make as you launched a sizzling missile out of your gun? Those were the days! No, here you are in an office, reading tech blogs instead!

404 errors

When communicating via HTTP, a server is required to respond to a request, such as a web browser request for a web page, with a numeric response code and an optional, mandatory, or disallowed (based upon the status code) message. In the code 404, the first digit indicates a client error, such as a mistyped Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The following two digits indicate the specific error encountered. HTTP’s use of three-digit codes is similar to the use of such codes in earlier protocols such as FTP and NNTP.

The Newest Invaders Game

Pointe Pest Control, alongside of their developers, have created a unique 404 page that allows you to spend your time on a lost page shooting down pests in a pest invaders inspired computer game. Their 404 page is a hit! Now, while you are sitting in your office studying, take a break and go see how high of a score you can achieve!

Why 404 pages?

There are many reasons for crafting unique 404 pages. The base of the idea to create a unique 404 page stems from SEO researches. Many factors affect how well websites rank of websites. Things such as time on site, bounce rate, and links all affect how well the website ranks on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. When a webpage is down it negatively affects the interaction the user has with the website. From the creativity of SEO’s, they came up with a way to make landing on a lost or broken page a positive experience. Now a common page across websites, big companies are finding ways to create unique 404 pages to help better the interactions their users have when they are on their site- specifically how they react to a broken page.

How to create a unique 404 page?

Enlisting in a great development team should be your first step towards crafting a unique 404 page that will draw much attention to your website through online traffic. Once you have a great web development team in place, you should brainstorm creative ideas that fit your website. Once you have an idea, the development team will work hard to code a great page. There are multiple options that you can take when you are deciding which kind of page to create. Whichever route you decide to go, the last step is to start to build links to your site so people know that it is there and so you can increase the number of people going to your site to play your game. If you do a Google search for unique 404 pages Google will return your hundreds of articles on unique 404 pages. In fact, you may Google before you start to help gather ideas. Finally, the developers need to turn over the finished product to the marketing team and they can start the process of sharing the 404 page across the web.

Author Bio:

Simon Hopes is a renowned author and social media enthusiast. Some pages have a funny 404 pictures, others have interactive movements, some even incorporate games, such as

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