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Call Tracking Technology: The Pros and Cons

Posted In Technology Reviews - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, June 6th, 2018 With No Comments »

65 percent of businesses still consider phone calls as a premium source for potential customers. Your business might not be among the percentage but you may have been planning to have call tracking installed after seeing most of your competitors do it. After all, you wouldn’t want to get left behind in what can potentially bring more customers to your business and generate a massive profit while at it. But before you start getting in touch with a call tracking provider like Fone Dynamics, you’ll want to know first the pros and cons of having it set up so that you can track each incoming call towards your business:

Call Tracking

Pros of Call Tracking Technology 

  1. Call tracking lets you easily identify which among your business’s marketing campaigns are attracting the most number of potential customers.

Unless you’re extremely confident that you can promote a product or service that your business is offering using only one marketing campaign, you’ll have to run at least a few marketing campaigns and then find out which one is pulling in the most number of potential customers towards your business.

With call tracking, you can more easily pinpoint which marketing campaign had convinced potential customers to give your business a call. This can help redirect your marketing budget to more profitable avenues.

  1. Call tracking at a pay per click level lets you identify which keywords your potential customers have used.

Aside from traditional and social media marketing campaigns, you may have used Google Adwords to promote your product or service. This is usually done by bidding on specific keywords for your clickable ads to appear in the search engine’s first page of results. With call tracking, you can more easily identify which among those keywords your potential customers had inputted to lead them towards the product or service that your business is offering.

  1. Spend more time and money on campaigns that guarantee an influx of potential customers.

If you aren’t using call tracking at all, you’ll be in the dark as to which among your business’s marketing campaigns aren’t attracting any potential customers. You might then spend too much of your effort and budget into those campaigns that can see you closing up shop in months.

You’ll thus want to have call tracking installed so that you can more easily isolate which among your marketing campaigns are pulling in many potential customers towards your business and which ones to discard immediately.

Cons of Call Tracking Technology

  1. As call tracking lets you use more than one number, your local search rankings might suffer.

If you’ve had call tracking installed for your business, you run the risk of ruining your local search rankings. To explain further, Google uses any mention of your business phone numbers on the Internet to rank local search results. But once Google sees that your business has several unique phone numbers, it might think that you’re giving it bad information. You might thus find your business which used to garner a high local search ranking may drop slightly when using a lot of numbers via call tracking. But you can improve this with a good SEO strategy.

  1. If old numbers are used for new companies it might cause confusion. 

Depending on your provider they may merely recycle any numbers you don’t use with another business that wants call tracking installed. If you aren’t fast enough in updating your business’s contact information, you run the risk of losing your potential customers to the other businesses who’ll reuse your old call tracking numbers.


It’s but natural for you as a business owner to wonder how your potential customers found out about your venture. However, asking your potential customers about it is a no-no as it might come across to them as needlessly prying into their choices. You’ve then realized that you can identify how they found out about your business better by using call tracking technology. But before you can have it installed by a trusted provider, you’ll want to take note of the pros and cons of the said technology so that you can make a more informed decision about whether you’ll see any long-term use for it or not.

John Taylor

John is a long-time professional with over two decades of experience in analytics and communications technology. He works as the Senior Data Analyst at Fone Dynamics, a leader in call tracking, voice, and SMS communication. When John steps out of the office, he loves to spend time with his family and bike riding.

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