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10 Examples of Dashboards Design

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Monday, August 27th, 2018 With No Comments »

Dashboard design seems like a pretty simple feat, at first glance, doesn’t it? The vast majority of modern CMS offer loads of free themes where this UI element is readymade with plenty of options for you to choose from. Perhaps, that would be all you need if you are just beginning to master your web development skills (if you are, this useful article on education for website design may come in handy).

Alternatively, if your goal is to become a top-notch web designer who is able to generate fresh user interface ideas, one by one, you will need to be more creative than that. To give you something to take an example from and to simply share our excitement over these items, we’ve enlisted the top newest and most extraordinary dashboards design examples. These have blown our expert editors’ minds away and now we we’d like to give you closer look.

Dashboards Design

The most creative dashboard UI examples: editors’ picks

The following dashboard UI examples have conquered the hearts of many in 2018, with their originality and unique approaches.

Elastica by Ueno

This intuitive and somewhat futuristic dashboard may become a great foundation for the development of personal layouts. The main menu, in accordance with the latest tendencies, is situated on the left side of the window, not at the top as it is in many other interfaces.

The minimalistic icons are utterly intuitive and an ordinary user is unlikely to require any tips on using them (the tips are, however, displayed when a cursor points at the icons). All-in-all, if you need something concise and accessible – this is a great example of how to achieve something like that!

Mixpanel by Claudio Guglieri

Here is another example of minimalism, once again, ladies and gentlemen! This time, it is presented in an even more concise interpretation. We are confident in the ability of this design to excite almost everyone. It is especially great thanks to the combination of color schemes and icons. This would be an excellent option for a mobile UI.

Seller Dashboard by Barthelemy Chalvet

Here, the author’s inspiration from ABC art is distinct. Apart from the compact representation of graphic objects, the designer has also chosen light shades for the background. As a result, we can see something that is more than just a user-friendly solution. It’s a full-blown object of art, visualized with the help of web technologies.

Dashboard UI by uixNinja

As you can see, this is another designer that has found a non-standard location for menu panel inspiration (here, it is represented as a vertical line on the left side of the window). What’s noticeable is the fact that all the clickable elements in this template are very distinct while not being very distracting.

Pastel Projects by Cosmin Capitanu

We find this option interesting because we believe it demonstrates the whole beauty of flat design. The interface may not be as intuitive as it was planned initially by the creator; however, you can’t argue its prettiness. We recommend keeping this piece in mind if you are working on an iOS app.

Inbox Page by Dorin007

This item, in the list of peculiar examples of dashboards design, was created especially for Inbox Page. Here, the author did the impossible – presented numerous menu elements in a maximum informative way without loading the web page too heavily. Basically, this option is an example of an alternative to overused dropdown menus.

Snug Messages by Filip Justic

The soft color palette, together with a really strong font type, can’t help but attract attention. Especially noticeable is the white background. To be frank, we are inspired by the tendency to switch from backgrounds with bulky images to such clean alternatives. Such pages load faster even with a low-speed Internet connection.

dashX by KREATIVA Studio

This vivid design made it to our list due to its magnificent visualization of icons inspired by the flat design; and also for the stylish background that’s sending out positive vibes.

Trello Atlassian by Michal Parulski

A great work with a simple nature and without any excessive elements, this has everything a new Trello users needs to start using the application without any help from the user guide.

CRM Dashboard and Search by Sergey Vakhnin

Last but not least on our list – the conclusion of the best dashboards design from this year’s list. This is an incredibly stylish option that uses only two shades: blue for the background and white for font. Nevertheless, it is impossible to get mixed up in this dashboard, even for beginners, thanks to the dropdown menu containing the full list of available options.

Examples of dashboards design: conclusion

Designing a dashboard for a generic website isn’t that hard. but only experienced designers with great expertise in the development of custom user interfaces are capable of creating something that would amaze with its ergonomics, intuitiveness, and uniqueness. If you strive for the latter option and wish to provide your web-resource users with UX of a new level of quality, turn to the professionals instead of trying to leverage everything yourself!

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