5 Important Factors For Buying A Reliable Shared Hosting Package
Starting a new blog or website can be an exciting time. You have a vision and dream for what it can become, the visitors you will help and perhaps, the income you want to make. In addition to having clear goals and dreams, you are going to need a website and hosting package to get started. While there are many different types of web hosting available, you will probably need a reliable web hosting provider for your first website. In the beginning, bloggers do not need to spend much to get quality hosting. However, you still have to find a reliable shared hosting package that will serve your website to visitors. In this post, we’ll share the most important factors for buying shared hosting solutions.
User Friendly Control Panel Or Backend
Many shared hosting providers offer cPanel for free with the package. This makes common website tasks very easy to do. When you are just starting out, you don’t want to have to login to server command line or linux shells. Rather, cPanel or a similar user interface gives you the ability to manage your website from one place. You can install WordPress, add domains, install SSL certificates, create email accounts and upload files via a file manager. With a simple user interface, you can edit and update your website within minutes.
Specialization In Business Shared Hosting
New bloggers need to find a shared hosting package that will work with their CMS. For example, many hosting providers have platform specific packages. These include wordpress hosting packages, ecommerce hosting solutions or other CMS specific options. Whichever platform you decide to you use, a shared hosting environment that is specific to your platform can add a boost of performance while keeping costs low. Choose a hosting company that specializes in the type of website that you would like to create for long term growth.
Shared Hosting Uptime Guarantee
Uptime is the one of the main factors of reliable hosting. If your website is not available, you could miss out on visitors or potential customers. Especially for a new website owner, every visitor counts. You should be using website uptime monitoring from the start. The best way to decide whether a hosting company has good uptime is testing them out. More so, the best shared hosting companies offer a guarantee. This shows that they stand by their product and have confident that your website will be online. You can find guarantees for 99%, 99.9% or 99.99% uptime. At 99.99%, the hosting company is guaranteeing less than 5 minutes of downtime. Surely, this gives you a reason to try them out for your shared hosting package.
Award Winning Hosting Support
Especially for new website owners, you are going to need plenty of technical support while getting started. Take the support department very seriously. A shared hosting company that offers award winning support will help you get up and running quickly. Then, when you encounter some of the common website problems, they can help you resolve them. Look for hosting support teams that offer assistance 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. With unlimited access to quality support professionals, you can ensure that your website is online and working properly all the time.
Shared Hosting Package Pricing
Naturally, you need to consider price as a factor. Many shared hosting plans have a wide range of pricing. Many beginner bloggers opt for the extremely cheap hosting plans. However, these hosting companies are overloading their servers with websites. You may or may not get the performance that they promise you. On the other hand, slightly higher priced hosting packages can provide great value. They are much more likely to monitor their servers carefully and ensure that there are enough resources for everyone. If you are really concerned about getting the best price, sign up for the hosting provider while they are having a big sale during cyber Monday or another holiday.
These are some of the most important factors to choosing a shared hosting provider. When you are just starting out, you will need an easy to use control panel. Try to use a host that specializes in business hosting or your specific platform. They should also offer a stellar uptime guarantee. If they have a great support team, this can make a huge difference in your shared hosting experience. Finally, check out the pricing and watch out for any low priced providers. Considering these factors, you have a great chance a choosing a reliable shared hosting company.