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How a VR Website Can Disrupt Your Industry

Posted In Business, Industrial & Technology - By Techtiplib on Friday, August 31st, 2018 With No Comments »

VR is here to stay, and its impact reaches far beyond kids using Sony Playstation. Work or play, business or pleasure – VR is spreading everywhere, so businesses sticking to their plain old standard html sites will soon look like prehistoric relics.

A VR Website for Real Estate

One of the first areas to embrace VR is real estate, where traditional practices have been burdening realtors and clients alike for as long as anyone can remember. Until now, realtors have spent long hours on scheduling house visits with clients, driving to the property with the client, and touring the client through the house. Now, with VR, clients can tour the house over the Internet, with a VR website comprising a VR tour of the house. Clients can dawdle as long as they want, walk around the patio, linger in the bedroom and enjoy the view. And they can do this even for a property located on the other side of the globe. Then, then can schedule a house visit when they’re already ripe for a purchase, making the realtor’s job a thousand times more efficient… and joyful.

VR Website

3D Websites for Hotels & Travel

VR websites will also upgrade the business transactions of the travel and hotel industry. Currently, people have to base their choice of hotel on verbal descriptions, which sometimes have nothing to do with reality, and photos, which are often low-resolution, showing a limited view of the room, and omitting various flaws in the space. With a VR website, customers can view the full scope of each room, in 360 degrees, with no omissions, and get a true idea of the space. This will raise their confidence and enable them to make better decisions. Hotels will also enjoy having a better way to display their facilities in a more attractive way.

A VR Website for Designers

VR websites enable interior designers to market and promote their designs in a compelling way. Customers will be able to stroll within their designed space as if it were already built, experiencing unique lighting, furniture, wall structure and more in a new way. With a VR website, designers will be able to express their special vision in a direct fashion, and view it swiftly as a constructed building. Designers will also be able to show design drafts to the client using their VR website, so the client can get a very accurate idea of the space before approving it, improving the design process and the communication between client and designer.

eCommerce VR Websites

eCommerce is another area that will benefit from a VR website. Until now, clients had to browse products, from clothing to furniture, their only reference being small 2D photos from 1-3 angles. This often gave a very poor idea of the product, and is the cause of many product returns, and losses to providers. With a VR website, customers can view products from all angles in a realistic way, and get a very clear idea of the dress, table or appliance that they’re considering.

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