New Trends for Virtualization in 2018
We live in an era of technological advancement where information technology is evolving on daily basis. Virtualization technology is no exception to this evolutionary nature of IT. 2018 has brought new trends in the virtualization industry. The new technologies being released in the market are reducing the product into a feature. In order to keep up with these trends, virtualization administrators should study these new technologies and use them to their advantage as necessary.
In today’s article, we will talk about the latest trends in the virtualization industry that have the potential to cause serious disruption in the market. So, without any further ado, let us start this article.
- Server-less computing for an accessible cloud
If you think that by getting the server-less technology you can get rid of the servers then you are in for a surprise. Server-less computing cannot work without the servers. It is actually a scripting engine that is based on a cloud. This engine grants easy access to many cloud services.
A trigger needs to be defined for the activation of a server-less script in order to create a server-less function. This can vary from a simple file being uploaded to a message’s delivery. Server-less is powerful because of the triggers and acts like a CRON with advanced computing features.
- Big data analysis tools
2018 has been all about artificial intelligence, machine learning, face and voice recognition, business intelligence and advanced analytics of other types. Big data is the norm and data warehouses, capable of holding high volume, are the demand. Gone are the days of simple analytical tools. Corporations are now deploying complicated algorithms to gain insight and find opportunities using big data.
- Multiple cloud-based platforms
Multiple cloud-based platforms are the emerging technology of virtualization thanks to their ability to combat and resolve issues associated with cloud providers such as cost and interoperability. Multiple cloud management tools, centralized storage platforms, and storage fabric platforms are the three types of multiple cloud-based platforms. The first one enhances the mobility of data sets, the second one offers public clouds storage with the help of fast fiber optic connections and the third type moves the data in the fabric in order to keep it near the workload.
- Edge computing
Thanks to the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal, privacy has become a serious topic in the cyber world which is why you cannot put all your data on the public cloud’s central data centers. Data also needs to be near its generation premises in order to cater privacy and latency requirement, data sovereignty and volume but public cloud providers do not provide their tools for analysis on premises. In such situations, edge computing saves the day. It is a public cloud service subset which is close geographically to the processing location.
- Composable infrastructure
Composable infrastructure is the combination of both infrastructure automation, tools for configuration management, application configurations and scripts. Composable infrastructure is to automate all the components except for hardware related work such as racking and establishing the connection of equipment.
So, these were some of the virtualization trends that administrators should get familiar with in 2018 in order to keep up with the changing industry and adapt these latest techniques with ease and confidence. If you are new to the world of virtualization and are thinking of adopting this revolutionary technology then we would recommend you try the reliable yet economical StarWind products such as StarWind Virtual SAN, StarWind VTL, and StarWind Hyperconverged Appliance.
StarWind VSAN is perfect for businesses that have budget constraints or need freedom from vendor lock-in. For those who already own server, deployment can be made seamless with the help of StarWind Hyperconverged Appliance which is the only true HA available on the market and has HCA ProActive support that guarantees minimum possible downtime. If you want to get rid of expensive tape backups then go with StarWind VTL that is secure from threats such as ransom-ware, cost-efficient and flexible in nature.