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5 Things You Can Do with A Cell Phone Spyware App

Posted In Mobile - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018 With No Comments »

For more than one or two reasons, mobile phone spy apps have been trending ginormously over the past few years. They have been used by bosses to monitor their employees, spouses to monitor their partners, and parents to monitor their kids in a variety of ways. Simply put, mobile spyware apps have proven to be quite useful in the society, both in the social and business worlds.

Despite their few drawbacks when it comes to laws surrounding ethics and the breach of privacy in some parts of the world, you can’t deny that these apps bring a lot to the table when it comes to trust in relationships, parenting, and management in business. But what can these very popular apps of today achieve for you? Assuming you’ve already identified a good one, here are 5 things you can do with a cell phone spyware app.

Spyware App

  1. Track the target phone’s location

Sometimes your child or one of your employees may lie about their current location or whereabouts. As for the child, you’re not sure about their safety at that particular moment. As for the employee, they could be engaging in activities that bring about a conflict of interest. A good cell phone spyware app can help you to monitor the exact location of the target phone at all times, which can help avoid

  1. Track a lost or stolen phone

In case your phone gets stolen, some cell phone spy apps allow you to pinpoint the location of the phone provided it is used to access the internet through mobile data or Wi-Fi. As a matter of fact, Google’s Find your Phone service is a good example, which basically allows you to ring the phone from another internet access device or PC whenever you misplace it, say in the house. It also allows you to erase data or lock your phone so that no one else can gain access to your private information in case you lose your device. It also gives you the current location of your Android device.

  1. Hack chats and text messages

If you’re wondering who your kid or partner has been communicating with via SMS or other social chat services such as WhatsApp and messenger, a cell phone spy app can decipher your mystery for you. For you to hack someone’s texts, you only need to install a tracking app on the phone or use remote monitoring spyware.

  1. Hack calls and contacts

Most mobile spy apps will also give you access to the target’s phone calls, call history, and contacts. Like planted bugs, some even record the calls for you.

  1. Track internet activity

last but not least, some of the best cell phone spyware will also allow you to track the target user’s internet activity. You can easily determine the sites they visit on the internet and how much time they spend on them.

In addition to the above, most smartphone spyware will also allow you access to the target user’s apps, videos, downloads, images, audio files, and documents. Whichever spyware app you choose; it is your responsibility to ensure that you’re not breaking the law. Also, it can get ugly when the target phone’s user discovers that you’ve been infringing on their rights to privacy.

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