3 Tips To Start Improving Conversions On Your Website
If you own your own business, one of the greatest pieces of technology you can put to your use is your website. However, simply just having a website that people can visit if they want won’t necessarily help propel your business any further into a successful future if you don’t know how to effectively use this tool. So to help ensure that all the time, money, and man-power that you’ve put into this piece of technological content doesn’t go to waste, here are three tips to start improving conversions on your website.
Reduce All Distractions
Part of having a quality website is having a quality design for your website where you conversions are concerned. According to Internet marketing guru Neil Patel, one of the biggest obstacles to getting your website to convert the way you want it to is distractions that you’ve put on the page. So to boost your conversions, all you have to do is eliminate the distractions that are littering up your pages. This means that if you want your visitors to get a free analysis from your property management company, you make this the most obvious option on your page. With all the clutter gone, the chances of your visitors converting the way you want increase, too.
Start Running Some Tests
If you’re wanting to reduce the distractions on your page and only leave what’s really working for you, you first have to know what’s proving successful and what isn’t. To do this, CrazyEgg.com advises that you start running tests on your pages. To run these tests effectively, you may need to get some tools that will help you see analytics and maps of your pages. Once you have this information, you can begin running A-B tests on all aspects of your web pages until you find the exact configuration that will start maximizing your conversions.
Optimize The Conversion Process
To see your number of conversions rise, you may need to optimize the actual process of getting a conversion on your website. According to Adam Heitzman, a contributor to Inc.com, a quick, simple conversion process will encourage your visitors to complete it. On the other hand, if you make the conversion process too long or complicated, like by asking for too much information or having too many steps until the actual conversion is made, you could be leaving a lot of conversions on the table that otherwise would have converted for you. So if you think your conversions might have one-too-many text fields, you’re probably right.
If you’ve found it hard to get the conversions numbers that you want from your website, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you troubleshoot some of the issues your web pages might be facing.