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Popular PC Games Played During 90’s Until Now [Video]

Posted In Games, Game reviews - By Techtiplib on Monday, August 19th, 2019 With No Comments »

Gaming is one of the world’s most profitable industries in entertainment today. It has truly gone a long way from being a technological oddity in its commercial debut in a science fair in the 1950s.

Mobile technology has further revolutionized gaming and has spawned a new generation of titles. It has become deeply ingrained in pop culture that even the elderly are familiar with Angry Birds. This is no surprise since almost half (42 percent) of the American population consider themselves as gamers.

The “Brown Box” was the first recorded commercial gaming system. It was released by Magnavox in 1972, which preceded Atari by just a few months. But Brown Box tanked commercially because the concept of home gaming was still relatively new at the time.

It was Atari that really piqued the public’s interest in gaming. They are attributed for creating a new industry centered on the “arcade” concept. Atari’s rise also saw the increasing popularity of the personal computer and the development of the microprocessor by Intel, which made home gaming a reality.

The integration of the microprocessor into the PC allowed Atari to release the first “video” game Space Invaders, which arguably ushered in a new era of gaming. A horde of new companies and console manufacturers started to pop up in the 1980s. However, these new developers saturated the market, which led to the 1983 North American video game crash.

Hobbyist magazines like Computer and Video Games and Computer Gaming World also flourished in the 1980s, which created a sense of community among gamers.

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