4 Tech Tips To Keep Your Digital Presence Safe
Have you ever googled yourself? You’ll find all sorts of things associated with your name. There will be links to social media profiles, news articles, high school information, addresses and phone numbers, and so on. It’s amazing to find out that even your private life isn’t as private as you thought. If you’ve ever been tagged in other people’s pictures or mentioned by other people’s profiles, all of that data is associated with you in your life.
If the wrong people decide to use this information against you, it can create an unsafe online experience for you. Because of this, it’s smart to try to utilize technology to keep your digital presence as safe as possible. How can you do this?
There are ways to utilize intrusion alerts in a business sense. You can use two-factor authentication when logging on to different places. And you can try to think like a hacker – by putting yourself in the brain of a bill and, you can protect yourself from their activities.
Set Some Intrusion Alerts
Professionally, digital security is more important than ever. If possible, utilize server protection to keep the wrong people away from your sensitive business data. As a company owner, you’ll probably have either a physical hard drive or a cloud drive that has all of your most important documents archived in it.
It can be a catastrophe if the wrong people get their hands on this. That’s why you need firewall protection and intrusion alerts in the first place.
Use Two-Factor Authentication
If at all possible, use two-factor authentication when you log into important places. This means adjusting specific settings with your financial institutions, business logins, and perhaps even sites with sensitive medical information. As long as you keep your phone with you all the time, two-factor authentication isn’t a big deal, and once you get used to it, you’ll appreciate the extra security it gives you.
Think Like a Hacker
If you look up news about hacking, you’ll see that online data pirates are incredibly crafty. They can target gigantic corporations, and they can target single individuals who don’t pay attention online. If you think like a hacker, you can set up your online data so that it is much safer. If you believe that people online are all aboveground and ethical, you’re going to be in trouble.
Use Encryption Whenever Possible
Especially when working with sensitive information or private data, use encryption whenever possible. If you’re not familiar with how encryption works, then now is the time to look into it. After you recognize the importance of end to end data encryption, you’ll wonder why you didn’t put some of these online safeguards in place before.