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Digital Transformation Trends In Technology For Business

Posted In Business - By Techtiplib on Sunday, November 17th, 2019 With No Comments »

The past few years in technology have been a bit repetitive for those seeking change.  The Cloud, Edge Compute, the Internet of Things, and Augmented Reality have been the latest and greatest subject matter for digital transformations.  

Next year holds some exciting changes in the digital realm of business.  While the aforementioned elements will still play a large role in business, there are some new recruits to be mentioned.  Here are a few things to watch in digital transformation trends for 2020.


Conversational AI as a legit interface 

Conversational AI (like Siri and Alexa) will see a boost in efficiency next year.  The ability to hear natural conversation is evolving for AI, and 2020 will bring about added abilities.  Processing speech in a loud room, processing natural language, and even the ability to interpret inflection will give AI a new level of awesomeness.  

5G for faster telecommunications

The new year will ring in the release of 5G to the general public.  All of the big names in communication will make certain their customers are offered access to a 5G network.  A phone with 5G capabilities will make everything faster, if you could imagine.  

Faster WiFi will become an option

WiFi 6 will hit the mainstream for business in 2020, and download speeds for your computers and laptops will be three times faster with the update.  Though 5G and WiFi 6 are two different technologies, they can be likened to each other.  

The coolest aspect of WiFi 6 is the technology’s ability to extend data connections to various devices.  Today’s WiFi 5 is typically capable of handling about 10 different devices at one time.  WiFi 6 will be able to handle up to 50 different devices on one network.  

Analytics will become a deciding factor

If your business has yet to invest time and resources in thorough data analytics, now is the time to get on board.  The new year will bring about a time when your business simply won’t survive the marketing frenzy online without pinpointed analytics behind your tactics.  

You cannot simply follow your instinct with your digital marketing efforts and expect success.  Today is the time of extremely pinpointed and informed marketing for business.  

Blockchain uses beyond cryptocurrency

Blockchain has been largely used in building cryptocurrency worth, until now.  2020 will ring in an extension of blockchain’s usefulness.  Amazon has already cornered the market by offering blockchain as a service, and other large scale tech leaders are following suit.  

Expand your ideas surrounding the use of blockchain, and consider what it could do for food safety, intellectual property, and real estate management.  The new year may notate the true technological takeover of blockchain.

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