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3 Ways To Enhance Your Business’s Cybersecurity

Posted In Business - By Techtiplib on Sunday, February 23rd, 2020 With No Comments »

When you run a business, not only are you needing to protect your own information, but you also are tasked with securing the information of any customers or clients that you work with. Because of this responsibility, it’s vital that you know how to have strong cybersecurity for all aspects of your business.


To help you in achieving this, here are three ways you can enhance your business’s cybersecurity

Have A Plan For Cybersecurity

To truly ensure that your cybersecurity is where it should be, you should have a plan in place for how to manage and execute your cybersecurity tasks.

According to Alison DiNisco Rayome, a contributor to Tech Republic, it can be very helpful for you to use the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Cybersecurity Framework to come up with a solid plan for protecting your information. By using this framework, you can get help building a cybersecurity plan or improving upon any cybersecurity plan that you might already have. 

Appropriately Train Your Staff To Recognize Threats

For most organizations, it’s really the staff members who have sensitive information that’s readily available to them that pose the biggest risk for this sensitive information being stolen or used in an inappropriate manner. 

As a result of this, the best thing you can do is to hold training sessions where your employees are taught how to recognize certain threats to your business’s cybersecurity. At these training sessions, Deji Atoyebi, a contributor to, the main focus of these training sessions should be on how to implement online security and what protocols they should follow. This can and should include teaching them how to avoid clicking on links that they aren’t sure of the origin, not opening emails that look suspicious, refraining from downloading anything from a person or website that isn’t reputable, and logging out of any devices or software that they’ve been using for business purposes. 

Institute Strong Password Policies

In addition to all the security protocols listed above, Bennett Conlin, a contributor to Business News Daily, shares that having strong passwords and instituting a strong password policy is vital to your organization’s cybersecurity. 

As a part of this, you’ll want to make sure that all of your employees know how to create a strong password, which should include making it at least 10-characters long and containing uppercase and lowercase letters as well as numbers and symbols. But despite how strong a password may be, you should also require your employees to change their password on a very regular basis. 

If you have your own business, consider using the tips mentioned above so you can improve upon the cybersecurity that your business is hopefully already taking advantage of in order to protect yourself and your customers or clients. 

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