10 Free Ways To Maximize Your Job Advertising Using Social Media
Social media comprises laying down a platform for the HR profession where hiring is transpired, whether through an established corporation or an individual freelancer.
Avant-Garde Methods
A huge chunk of the population uses social media, which only makes sense to maximize your job posting where the potential crowd is connected.
With this being said, here are 10 free ways to maximize your job advertising using social media.
1. Visuals
Humans respond to visuals better than textual data. 90% of information broadcasted to the brain consists of visuals and is remembered for a long-term basis.
A perfect way to maximize job advertising with visuals, be it an image, Gif, or videos as they are inclined towards attracting the right people.
2. Share on Multiple Platforms
If a job is posted on a particular site like LinkedIn, then it should be posted on various other platforms as well and not limited to LinkedIn. It is also wise in asking your audience to share the broadcast.
3. Post Your Ad Twice or Even Thrice
This keeps the audiences in loop so they won’t miss your job advertising over the feed. Post the same ad with different style and headings to mix things up.
4. Hashtags
Highly a necessity when it comes to social media. Use as many relevant hashtags as possible, as hashtags are the doors to increase your post reach.
5. Build A Community
It is wise to build a whole community by creating groups online and adding relevant people who are looking for an occupation. This way, they will never miss any of your job posts and the response rate is great.
6. Share Link Over Multiple Platforms
Search out the best 2020 list of free job posting sites , as they are a MUST for job advertising. Share its link over multiple social media platforms.
7. Timings
Timings are a huge influential factor, which depends upon different targeted audiences. General research can do the trick, regarding which time the job hunters are active the most.
8. Use Facts and Figure
It is interesting to start the job post with facts and figures regarding employment or business requirements and relating it with your job post. This gives a personal touch and maximizes your ad.
9. Reply To Comments
Common comments like “interested” are usually not replied to. But it takes you a long way by replying to such comments in a diplomatic manner.
10. Mobile-Friendly
Jobs posted should always be accessible through mobile phones, as the majority use mobile for applying. Before posting a job, consider that resumes can easily be attached through mobile devices. This simplicity is the reason which helps to attract tons of talent.
Through social media, there is a huge possibility to find the most relatable talented individuals, capable of exceeding the expectations who can add value to your company or any of your work as an individual, if done right.