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What’s Up With Pad Printing?

Posted In Technology devices - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 With No Comments »

If you’re like many, you may have never heard of pad printing, even though it is so common. Here are some basic facts about this technique that you should know to stay current on this increasingly popular process. 

pad writing

What Is It?

Pad printing is when an ink-based image is transferred onto a 3D object. These machines use etched plates and pads to transfer the ink to the object. They are also very versatile, using multiple colors of ink and printing multiple sizes of images. This process is used in many industries, such as industrial goods, promotional products, and clothing. 

How Does It Work?

This process uses a pad, ink cup, and etched plate to transfer ink onto an object. The plate contains an etching of the desired graphic. The ink cup holds the ink and transfers it to the grooves on the etched plate. Then, the pad presses against the plate to absorb the ink and put it onto the object. 

What Is a Printing Pad?

A pad transfers the ink inside a printing machine. It starts by pressing against an ink-filled plate with the right image. Then, it transfers the ink to the appropriate surface. 

In most approved security prescription printers, the pad is made out of silicone. However, the hardness and material of the pad are based on applications. Additionally, pads come in many shapes and sizes. Like the hardness, the size and shape that are used are also based on applications. The most common pad shapes include round and rectangular. Specialty pads can be made in a variety of other shapes as well. 

What Is the Ink Cup?

The ink cup holds the ink in pad printers. It works by sliding over the plate and leaving ink in the necessary parts. Printers refer to it as doctoring. 

This part is made up of a ring and cup. The ring does the doctoring and ensures that ink only settles in the proper part of the etch. These are typically made from metal, plastic, or ceramic. Ceramic tends to be the most popular choice because it is gentle yet durable. 

What Is a Printing Plate?

The printing plate contains an etching of the desired image. The image can be etched onto the plate with either a photopolymer process or laser etching. The photopolymer process involves using UV light to dissolve sensitive materials, while the laser uses fiber or Co2 lasers to etch away metal. 

What Supplies Does It Require?

This process requires several different supplies. Specifically, it requires inks, solvents, gardeners, and auxiliaries. Printers should tailor these supplies to the application. 

What Is Printing Ink?

The printing ink is the most important part of the printing process. Many types of inks are on the market, and choosing the right one ensures that it stays on the desired object. For instance, the printer will need to consider the characteristics of glass, metal, plastic, or something else and choose the appropriate ink. 

Additionally, these inks are available in many colors. White and black are the standard colors used in this process. However, there are many more ink colors available. Some companies even offer color matching for custom inks. 

What Is Ink Solvent?

The solvent is added to the ink. Its purpose is to help with the adhesion and drying. There are several different types of solvents on the market. Certain solvents will only work with particular types of ink. Others are more flexible and can work with numerous types of ink. The most important feature of a solvent is its evaporation rate because this helps the printer choose the right type based on print speed, climate, and application. 

What Is an Ink Hardener?

Hardener is another additive that can help with curing. Their primary purpose is to make the finished image more durable so that it can withstand abuse. For instance, adding hardeners for images on cups makes them dishwasher safe. Hardener is not a necessary additive. However, it is often used because it makes the finished product last longer. 

What Is Ink Auxiliary?

Auxiliaries are similar to a primer. Instead of being mixed with the ink, they are used on the part before printing starts. They help with adhesion, cleanup, and durability. 

What Are the Printer’s Capabilities?

Pad printing equipment is very versatile because it can print on almost any material quickly. This is because there are multiple types of inks that can be used in these machines. These inks come with a variety of adhesives, strengths, and opacity. Printers also have the option of using up to six different colors of ink at once. Printers who choose the right inks can get more use out of their machines. 

Additionally, machines in the security printer program are quick. One cycle takes only a matter of seconds, meaning an experienced printer can get more than 1000 parts finished in an hour. Specialty loading and unloading features can make this machine even faster. This is because the right equipment can help move printing along in a conveyor fashion. 

What Are the Printer’s Limitations?

The major limitation for printers is that printers can use a maximum of six colors. Aside from this, the image must be under 150 mm to be printed in one sitting. Overcoming these challenges can add to print times, making the machine inefficient. 

Pad printing has become a popular method in the production of many goods. Learning some of these basic facts can help you stay updated on current trends in the printing world. 

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