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Thanks for stopping by this weblog. Here brief introduction of this blog and the author.
What is this blog about?
It’s created since 2012, TechTipLip.com is a library of Technology blog, where you can find articles about Windows 7, Windows 8, Microsoft Office, Internet, Blogging tips, freeware for Windows, social networking tips and web apps, mobile phone tips, free apps (for iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone), Firefox, Google Chrome and much more.
Since 2012, we have written well over 6,700 articles on topics ranging from Software giveaways, Windows, Mac, Apple, iPhone, iPad, mobile, freeware, SEO, WordPress…
It’s also designed for guest posting, where guest authors contribute reviews, previews and articles related to Technology such as: computer, software tips & tricks, entertainment (music, videos), webmaster (Blogging, WordPress and SEO)…
If you are interested in advertising with this blog, please Contact Us. If you want to keep track of the daily posts, make sure to subscribe via RSS Feed. Read more our Privacy Policy.
Who is the author?
Jack is a lover of Technology and has a lot of experience in this field. He is also a writer, administrator of this blog and some others.
You can connect with the author on Twitter or Facebook.
Can I write articles for Techtiplib.com?
Absolutely. The process is very simple, just click on the Contact Us link at the footer and read more the instructions on what we are looking for and how to get started: read Write for us. Everyone will not be selected, but if you have a flair for technology, software, WordPress, SEO, Making money online, etc, you’ll be a great fit!
How do I advertise on Techtiplib.com?
Currently we monetize this blog using a combination of Google Adsense. If you are interested in partnering with Techtiplib.com, please contact us using the Contact Us form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Can I ask Techtiplib.com write a technology review?
Absolutely. With technology experts, we can write a review of your product with the detail and completeness way, to help convey to the readers of your products the fastest and most convincing. If you would like we to write a review of you products and publish on Techtiplib.com, please contact us using the Contact Us form.
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