Library Technology - Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Nancy Baker

Nancy Baker, is a freelance blogger. She has a very dynamic personality and she loves to try new things. You can also follow her on Twitter:

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5 Apps That Will Help Transform Your Home Into A Clean And Tidy Paradise

By Nancy Baker | OnSaturday, April 19th, 2014 - Comments Off on 5 Apps That Will Help Transform Your Home Into A Clean And Tidy Paradise
When your home is overrun with nasty pests it's not a nice feeling and you want to do everything you can to get rid of them, but sometimes all the tricks you attempt isn't enough.

Nobody wants to live in a home that looks dirty and messy all the time. If everything isn’t laid out the right way you might miss some spots when you’re cleaning up. If a certain room in your home is overrun with pests you’ll need to get rid of them. Today we’re going to look at various apps that will take care of everything so you can be proud of your home once you’ve finished your weekly chores. Recommended reading: 6 iOS Apps You Need to Bring Your Dream Home to. 

5 Great Design Apps That Will Help You Create The Perfect Home

By Nancy Baker | OnTuesday, March 25th, 2014 - Comments Off on 5 Great Design Apps That Will Help You Create The Perfect Home
The design apps for You to create The Perfect Home

Too many people don’t do enough research when they’re trying to figure out how their home should look. They might decide to change something and they’ll go with the first option they come across. If you want your home to look amazing it’s important to do things the right way, so I want to share with you a few great apps that will help you come up with the perfect design for different areas of your home. Sunroom Designer This app is very expensive, but if you’re determined. 

How to Learn New Skills Through Android (And Which Skills to Learn)

By Nancy Baker | OnTuesday, March 25th, 2014 - Comments Off on How to Learn New Skills Through Android (And Which Skills to Learn)
That's where your Android device comes in. And it can change everything…

Learning new skills is a great way to expand your knowledge base, to add more colour to life and generally to improve yourself. Learn a new language and you can find yourself better able to communicate on holiday, more impressive when meeting new people, and thinking in whole new ways thanks to a new and improved understanding of grammar. Adopting new skills, hobbies and interests can also help you to add more colour and spice to life. Learn to taste better and you’ll find yourself enjoying. 

6 iOS Apps You Need to Bring Your Dream Home to Life

By Nancy Baker | OnSaturday, March 15th, 2014 - Comments Off on 6 iOS Apps You Need to Bring Your Dream Home to Life
Everyone has an image of their dream home in their mind. And it’s not necessary that this image is always in sync with reality. The truth is your real home hardly ever reflects your fantasy.

Everyone has an image of their dream home in their mind. And it’s not necessary that this image is always in sync with reality. The truth is your real home hardly ever reflects your fantasy. The size is too small, the color is wrong and the décor is pitiful. However, this does not mean that you can’t have the home of your dreams. All it takes is a little home improvement on your part to bring your dream home to life. Here are 6 iOS apps that will help you do that. Recommended reading 5 iOS. 

5 Reasons Why We Still Need Traditional Printers At Home (In The Short-Term)

By Nancy Baker | OnFriday, February 28th, 2014 - Comments Off on 5 Reasons Why We Still Need Traditional Printers At Home (In The Short-Term)
Eventually we're not going to need traditional printers at home, but I've talked about some of the reasons why we still need them at the moment.

Eventually we’re not going to need traditional printers at home, but I’ve talked about some of the reasons why we still need them at the moment. New technologies come and go on a daily basis. We think we can’t live without something, but within days it’s taken out of our lives and we don’t even realize it’s gone. I think this is what is going to happen with the traditional printer. Maybe not office printers, but definitely the ones we keep in our homes. Luckily.